What did you mod today?

After weeks (months) waiting for some things to arrive (a pack from Simon, at Convoy, and a pack from kiriba-ru), they arrived last friday.
So, I started working right away.

First thing I did was to finish a mod that I started and that went wrong some time ago: turn my Blitzwolf BW-ET1 into a 2x14500 flashlight with Anduril and 6V XHP50.2.
The story stared here and didn’t go well, as the LED burned (I didn’t use DTP MCPCB by that time).
Now, I ordered some *16mm DTP MCPCB*s from Simon and reflowed a 5000K H4-3A XHP50.2 (also from Simon) into one.
This was the final driver structure:

As for the LED, althouh I didn’t take photos the reflow and final soldering , I used a filed 16 x 1.5 mm old copper DTP MCPCB to help on heatsink. I put thermal paste + copper + thermal paste + MCPCB w/ the XHP50.2. I used a 5050 gasket and an+ OP reflector from the On The Road M1+ (I prefered the OP due to the tint shift that the original SMO reflector would aggravate even more).

I didn’t take beamshot, but it has - obviously - a shift in the beam :weary: . I will get a 3000K led to fit there :sunglasses:
Now I just need to get some longer button top 14500 cells to fit well, as the 2 button top I have are small (Sofirn 14500 900mAh) :beer:

I also received a +Convoy S6 +host from Simon and a S2/S6 triple spacer from kiriba-ru!
So, I joined these with the 17mm driver with Bistro HD OTSM from Lexel and the triple aluramic MCPCB with 3 x Luxeon V 4000K 70 CRI from led4power (that I picked as prize from the OL Contest 2019 :person_with_crown: ) and a aqua blue GITD gasket from CRX, and put this together :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

I only feel sorry (meaning: pissed off :person_facepalming: ) because I thought I could do a 18350 S6 as seen here and here with an Astrolux shorty tube, but it didn’t fit in the tail of the S6 :weary:
Actually, the tail of the S6 didn’t fit in any of the other Convoys I have. The head, however, and fortunately, fits in the 18350 tubes from the S2+ :partying_face: Meaning:I’m not pissed off anymore :innocent:

The clip is a regular “screw-in” pocket clip and was “flamed” to become more blue :sunglasses:

BTW, the spring mod was inspired in this thread/post from Bocian :+1:

BTW, this is a HOT rod!!! My go-to hot rod :smiling_imp: :sunglasses:
(I’ve calibrated the temperature already, otherwise I’d burn my hands :stuck_out_tongue: )