I`ve spotted that battery recently on Ali, and since it was only 6$ /pc by that time i bought some for evaluation, for my surprice they camein a week or something( declared as kitchen goods)
Well i have to say i am greatly impressed by this one: its actualy the first battery that beats my favourite Efest Purple 4200 26650, both that i got perform the same, Li500 charger says they have lesser int resistance than a brand new Efest( if one could trust Li500 ofc, Opus 2.2 says the same btw)
I`ve tested it at 5amp consumption( in an l2 host/fet dd U4 based flashlight) again Efest 4200, after 15 minutes with the Liitokala runing cds dropped to 231, and right of the flashlight top current was 4.24 / 3.88 voltage
With Efest Purple 4200 after 15min cds were 222, current 4.12 and the voltage 3.82
With both batteries charged to 4.20 Liitokala again beats Efest with 0.05amps: 5.07 agains 5.12
Atm i am testing its capacity
Ofc its a lame method and it needs to be tested like it should, yet its the only 26650 battery that could do this agains Efest Purple 4200
I dont know if those 2 are a lucky pick, and i dont know if all of those are(will be) of the same quality