UK based Online Shop
Components/parts/flashlights/modifications service/custom work/powder coating
Worldwide Shipping
Closing 23/10/17
The website will be active until closing date.
UK based Online Shop
Components/parts/flashlights/modifications service/custom work/powder coating
Worldwide Shipping
Closing 23/10/17
The website will be active until closing date.
Wow its hurting my eyes lol… BTW CONGRATULATIONS on your new online store!
First tip: Don’t hurt people’s eyes
Also, on the homepage, the description under the store name barely shows up at all and is almost unreadable. You may want a different font there. Edit: actually, most of the product descriptions are hard to read. If you use the same font but Bold it, that should work.
Yepyep BOLD it!
Hey there James, best wishes for your new store!
Ok, I’ve changed the colour from grey to white, should be easier to read, if not i can bold it, but looks ok from my screen now!
Take a look and let me know any more changes that need making
PS. I’ve also done a discount code for BLF: BLF5
Clearly legible now, except for one place: Options menus on product pages. Example: “Size” and “Tint” on the XP-L HI page are still very hard to see
That should be better now!
own store!
great thing…
good luck!
Hope so!
Nice store. All the best with your new business venture, hope it proves to be successful.
I would suggest some details regarding shipping costs should be easily seen without having to progress the order.
Good job and I hope it works out wonderful for you.
I know others have already suggested changes. So I hate to do it, but you seem open to it: So, I suggest having a different background color & maybe a different font. Me and others I have spoken to find White font with a black background is hard on the eyes.
Either way, best of luck.
Thanks for the advice/suggestions, I’ll look into it!
The name is legible but ‘blurry’ as if it was designed for 3D viewing. Still not pleasing to my eyes. Either way, CONGRATULATIONS on your new store!
The font on the product page has been changed
I’ve added some more items (still loads more to come)
The convoys should be in stock next week, I’ve got 30 coming
XHP50/70 Should be in stock next week
Please make suggestions of you would like to see anything specific!
Tip: make the website link in your signature clickable. Make it easy for people to get there.
I know I need to insert a hyperlink but how do I do that on the signature editor?
I can see it on not
Now on the normal text editor But not on the signature one
“Here”: www.3tronics.co.uk
Edit: Ok I think I’ve done it!
Sale on single led Noctigon!
Made by cutter
I’ve got a batch on order
Seem to be the only 14mm DTP MCPCB’s
In stock next week!