This year’s entries:
Hand Made category:
MtnDon: MtnDon's 12th Annual BLF Old Lumens Challenge Entry(Completed) - Hand Made Category
NeutralFan: NeutralFan's 12th Annual BLF Old Lumens Challenge - Hand Made
Ruckusmattster: Ruckusmattster’s 12th Annual Old Lumens Challenge Entry - Hand Made
Serlite: Serlite’s 12th Annual Old Lumens Challenge Entry - Hand Made
TheEinherjar: cracklingnoise’s entry for the 12th Old lumens challenge. hand made flashlight category
YuvalS: YuvalS’s Hand Made Class, 12th Annual BLF/OL contest entry topic
Machine Made category:
chipmunk: chipmunk’s 12th Annual Old Lumens Challenge Entry - Machine Made
clockwork: [FINISHED] Clockworks's 12th Annual Old Lumens Challenge Entry - Machine Made
RobotSquid: RobotSquid’s 12th Annual BLF Old Lumens Challenge Entry - Machine Made
Saltyboi6704: Saltyboi6704's 12th Old Lumens Challenge Entry - Machine Made
Modified Light category:
Dandyhorse: Dandyhorse's entry for the 12th Old lumens challenge. Modified flashlight category
Hunter-Jackson: Hunter-Jackson's entry for the 12th Old lumens challenge. Modified flashlight category
Köf3: [FINISHED] Köf3's 12th Annual Old Lumens Challenge Entry - Modified Lights
Pinkpanda3310: Pinkpanda3310's 12th annual challenge entry - modified
QReciprocity42: QReciprocity42's entry to the 12th Old Lumens challenge: Modified
turbiny: [Finished] Turbiny's entry for the 12th Old lumens challenge. Modified flashlight category
Worrub918: Worrub918's Entry to the 12th Old Lumens Challenge - Modified