Thanks for sharing , f42 .
Great pics .
Well done .
Great pictures, great review. Looks like a great light too! :)
I just got mine today too. Pretty happy with it.
I just need to swap out the emitter for a direct copper mounted one and see about tweaking the driver for more current
Awesome pics, great review. Wish I would have got this one. So what I really want to know is: how are people getting this light before I got the s5 and s8???
Yeah it’s crazy. I got my S8 two days ago. And then this one arrived today, even though it was part of a deal much later.
My S5 arrived a while back…….if you are still waiting on that maybe it is stuck in China.
It’s just speculation, but it looks like there is a thru hole part (two adjacent pins) that are missing solder. This may have something to do with the lower current draw and odd driver behavior if the connection has a high resistance.
The pins in question are on the left of your picture here:
I like flashlights with grip ring.This is a nice C8 size flashlight with tactical grip ring.
Actually C8 doesn’t need it because it’s wider at the tail.
Looks good quality for the price.
Enjoy it!
Thanks for the pics! 8)
it’s a beautiful light… i’m jealous, i didnt get the chance to buy this at $5 :_(
That’s a good-looking light. Nice beamshots too.
only question……where can I buy one?!
? Must have
Great review!
The side switch can only change mode but not turning on/off?
Yes, side switch only change modes and it has mode memory.
His store:
Thanks mhanlen, At that time he didn’t ship S8, I contacted Simon and told him that he could ship L4 and S8 together for less postage cost , he shipped both together received them yesterday.
Thanks, jacktheclipper, RaceR86, panthervision23, FlashLion,
DayLighter, it was very easy for anyone who knows how Aliexpress works. Think, during campaign some people could manage to place order multiple times
waehrik, I really do not know :~
Tail switch is also momentary on.
Good job f42. I am still waiting for my S8. I am jealous that you got the L4 for $5.
Thanks for answering f42.
Forgot to ask this though… the tail switch is only for on/off operation? Is it forward clicky? And if the tail switch is only for on/off operation does it mean that I can click on/off as many times as I want and the mode will never change until I click the side switch?
- Is the glass lens AR coated?
- What is the PWM frequency for all of the modes?
Again thank you for your efforts!
thanks for this review, didnt even know this light exist, looks kinda cool. i may get one , one of these days
Would love for a GB on these
I think medium mode could be lower (around 500mA), other than that I’m pretty impressed with the results and flashlight itself.