Well, the moment is upon us!
Here is the list of Winners:
1 DenBarrettSAR
2 Ervin Anastasi
3 Rufusbduck
4 FmC
5 southland
6 Alpg88
7 nickelflipper
8 mhemling33
9 firehopper
10 HBomb
1 Bucket
3 RaceR86
I will be contacting all of you over the course of the next several days, to let you know how to redeem your prizes. With the holiday, I think it will be sometime next week, before I hear back from all of the dealers involved, so please be patient.
I just want to thank all of you who took the plunge and made build threads here. They have been the highlight of my days for quite some time and I appreciate all of the labor and thought put into them. You are ALL WINNERS in my book!!
Thanks also, to the judges and to all of the sponsors. Last, but not least is the members here who helped support the contestants during their builds.
Photos of finished builds now shown in Post #1
2nd. Annual BLF Scratch Made Light Contest
IS Now Officially Open
Hello everyone,
First things first, I need to do a little advertising. As you already know, all of the prizes this year are coming from Dealers who are well known in this forum. Here they are:
I cannot express my feelings well enough about the sellers that have responded so quickly and completely, when they were approached to sponsor this contest. I’m humbled at their generosity. I sincerely thank them and I hope you all will look to them when purchasing quality lights and accessories.
The contest officially starts as of this posting and it runs until June 30th. at Mignight. No matter what the stupid countdown shows.
Here are the Contest Rules:
Hand Made Category:
- Must be made from scratch. Cannot use a pre-existing light.
- Must be a hand held light loosely classed as a flashlight.
- All hand tools are acceptable, as well as these power tools: Soldering gun/station, Electric Drill, Drill Press, Dremel style Rotary tool, Cutoff saw including band saw, Disc or belt sander. No lathes, End Mills, or automated machines.
- Single or multiple emitter, driver and battery configurations are allowed.
- You may use manufactured components such as; reflectors, P60 drop-ins, drivers, LEDs, “O”-Rings, switches or lenses.
- You may not use manufactured flashlight parts such as: a bezel, body, tail cap or head.
Machine Made Category:
- Must be made from scratch.
- Must be a hand held light loosely classed as a flashlight.
- Can be made using machines such as a Lathe or End Mill, or what I would consider machines found in a machine shop, or any other tools listed in the hand made category.
- Single or multiple emitter, driver and battery configurations are allowed.
- You may use manufactured components, such as: reflectors, P60 drop-ins, drivers, LEDs, “O”-Rings, switches or lenses.
- You may not use manufactured flashlight parts such as: a bezel, body, tail cap or head.
Rules for All Contestants:
- You must make a build thread and you must be able to show clearly legible photos of the progress of the build. The better your thread, the better your chances, since we can only judge on what you show us in your thread.
- No outside services allowed. You cannot send your parts or light out for someone else to work on it, or to Anodize it or plate it. All work must be done by you.
- You may enter in only One Category, Machine made OR Hand Made.
A panel of judges composed of current members of BLF, from all walks of life and from different countries, will judge the winners of the competition. I will be one of the judges as well.
What do we judge the contestants on?
- Uniqueness/Inventiveness of the build. - Is it a one of a kind? Different? Using New methods?
- Skill level of the finished build. - Does it look like one of my hack jobs
? Or were the finished parts/assemblies done with skill and care?
- Thoroughness of the build thread. - Did the builder do a good job of showing and explaining to the forum, how he did the steps in the build?
- Follow the guidelines. - Did the builder follow the rules and guidelines written in the contest thread?
Contestants: Please remember to PM me with a link to your Build Thread.
POST your Build Threads HERE PLEASE
I will keep all of the links in Post #1, so people can easily find all the builds.
Thank you.
“Hand Made” category Prizes:
(Changes made on 6/4/14)
1st. Place Prize – Solarstorm SP03 provided by Wallbuys
AND it has been Modded by O-L.
2nd. Place Prize – Thrunite TN35vn provided by Illumination Supply
AND it has been Modded by vinh.
3rd. Place Prize –BTU Shocker provided by CN Quality Goods
AND it has been Modded by Tom E.
4th. Place Prize – $50 gift certificate provided by Tmart
5th. Place Prize - $40 gift certificate provided by Lightscastle
6th. Place Prize - $20 gift certificate provided by Mountain Electronics
7th. – 10th Place Prize - $20 gift certificate provided by E2 Field Gear
“Machine Made” Category Prizes:
1st. Place Prize - $100 gift certificate provided by Illumination Supply
2nd. – 3rd. Place Prizes - $50 gift certificates provided by Tmart