I have brought 14 trustfire flames batteries from here i realy like them they perform well ive had no d.o.a and all are going strong.
i have done a few disharge and charge cycles on them and they all give between 2300 and 2500 mAh but today i did another discharge and charge cycle with my Icharger 106B+
i dishcarged to 3 volt under load once the charger stoped i let it rest a few mins the cell voltage was 3.24 volt then i recharged to 4.2 volt at 500 mAh (0.5 amp) and this one took 2471 mAh, they also can be dishcarged to 2.75 volt so it can take a little more mAh if you want it to.
i have read on here alot of people are not happy with them as they have had trouble with them but the theme seams to be they where brought from deal extream (DX) or ebay so i quess it depends on where you get them from as ive had trouble with a couple from DX
ill be honest ive tested two to 2.5 volt and i could not get any low voltage cut off to kick in and i could not get the over discharge to kick in with quick 5 amp draw burst, i have not tested every cell i have like this so it just could just be these two or it could be all of them or it coupld just be the two i crushed in my TR-1200 when i put the battery extention tubes on wrong.
all in all good batteries i give them the thumb,s up i think manafonts discription of them has changed and the price has gone up $0.50 us since my last order of them, so i have brought a couple more to see if they test out like these ones and since every one likes graphs on here ill do some cycles using data logging with my icharger and post them up when i get some time.