As the deamnd for those driver is still there and my 2. batch is already sold out before I have shipped the first driver,
I am going to do another batch if enough BLF-lers are interested, you may spread the availibility of those drivers on other forums,
but I am not planning to go into mass production
Bistro-HD OTSM can be ordered in next batch, as it needs special parts and is hopefully bug free
If you want fully assembled and tested drivers reply here
Flashed and thermal calibrated MCUs are included.
This batch will be reflow soldered by hand, got enough expirience in 2. batch
Availiable options:
there are different sizes availiable 15, 17, 20, 21 and 22mm
those are cheap on the PCBs from Oshpark so I may end up with some unused boards
30mm, 38.5mm and 46mm SRK are possible as well, but add costs depending on size
Information about this driver series here
There will be a very good SIR800 FET used
You can choose a custom number of 7135 less than the maximum
can be equipped with Attiny 25
running Bistro
or Attiny 85
running Narsil Triple v1.4 latest version with fixed bugs
Narsil manual, a lot options to configure this one
NarsilM availiable for this batch
Drivers will be fully tested before shipped
Narsil v1.4 driver will be thermal calibrated as well
you can choose the temperature for stepdown,
the time for stepdowns depends on the lights size/heat, a Pocket rocket off a 14500 high drain will need a shorter time than a Convoy L6
standard will be 60°C
standard time between steps will be 45s
temp calibration with heat gun
there are 3 main options for 2S Narsil for lights like Convoy L6
Narsil v1.2 utilising low voltage protection on pin7
Narsil v1.4 utilizing indicator LED on Pin 7, has some bugfixes and temperature protection
NarsilM it is possible to choose between indicator pin and LVP the whole settings are reduced for an easier handling for the Q8
For 2S lights that use only a sideswitch or you dont lock out the light a LDO is needed,
the zener mod has a very high parasitic drain so this is only suitable for Bistro drivers
2S LDO is availiable for 17, 21, 22, 26, 30 and 46mm
2S Zener Mod is availiable on all sizes
Piggyback LDO on other sizes possible adds 1.5$
efficiency advantage over Fet+7135*1
this is just an example, keep in mind that triple hotrods get more gain than a single emitter light
for 17mm Board will be phosphor bronze in 2 lenghs
for 15mm board the short spring fits or the long upside down
All drivers come without soldered springs, to stay below 10mm envelope thickness which is 2.2€ cheaper to ship
short spring
For larger boards those springs are good
you can choose soldering paste
recommendedn with lead
on request lead free 96.5 % tin, 3% silver, and 0.5% copper
12.5$ TA Bistro / Bistro HD Attiny25
14$ Bistro HD OTSM changed capacitor brand and volume discount >10
14.5$ Narsil v1.4 Attiny85 with temperature calibration
15.0$ Narsil v1.4 temperature calibrated, 1S LVP calibrated to any value you want
NarsilM Attiny85
13$ flashed no settings,
14.5$ with temp calibration and max temperature preset,
15$ with calibrated 1S or 2S LVP / temp calibration and max temperature preset, this version has no indicator LED
per spring add 0.3$
soldered springs are possible, but it adds 2.5$ shippin costs
30mm add 1.5$
38.5mm add 2.85$ if 3 boards come together
46mm add 4.5$ if 3 boards come together
Zener mod add 0.7$
LDO 1.2$ 21mm and bigger only
LDO 17mm add 3$ more expensive parts
Bistro or Narsil customized modespacing adds 1-2$ depending how many groups you want changed
or you suply a hex add 0.5$
Bistro 2S Zener mods or Narsil v1.2 2S LVP needs to be adjusted with a customized voltage divider to the MCU add 1.5$
Bigger diameter than 30mm I will build only if multiples of 3 drivers are requested or the board price goes up to compensate the unused
38.5mm add 2.85$ if 3 get ordered, if only 2 add 4.3$
SRK size add 4.5$ if full 3 get ordered
SRK Size with more than 7 AMC7135 Bank add 1$ For 16 AMCs
2$ envelope shipping worldwide
Tracking + insurance up to 25€ adds 3$
insurance up to 100€ and tracking adds 5$
Insurance above 100€ and tracking adds 7$
1€ Germany