OL bundle raffle #2 - $110
OL bundle raffle - $140
OL bundle Auction 1 - $80
Old-Lumens Custom Knives Info thread
Knife #1 Ended - $59
Knife #2 Ended - $56 + 8
Knife #3 Ended - $50 + 8
Knife #4 Ended - $50
Knife #5 Ended - $38 + 8
Knife #6 Ended - $47
Knife #7 (skipped)
Knife #8 Ended - $40
Knife #9 Ended - $44
Knife #10 Ended - $39
Knife #11 Ended - $45
Knife #12 Ended - $41
Knife #13 Ended - $40
Knife #14 Ended - $35
Intermission for a couple weeks
250 Post GAW in Memorium OLD-LUMENS
djburkes EE X6 Raffle $393.53
Old Lumens Astrolux A01 care of M4D M4X
Old Lumens Astrolux A01 non-affilliated
Old Lumens F-13 (cancelled)
Manker Kronos X5 sales $1379.92
I won’t show the tally of these on the total tally as none of it passed through my paypal and it will just confuse me if I try to add it
I’ve had a couple of awesome members contact me with very special items to auction
Auction #15
The legendary BLF integrated sphere
Ended 12th August 23:59 UTC. $60
Auction #16
MRsDNF custom P60
Ended 13th August 16:00 UTC $140
Thank you SawMaster and MRsDNF :+1:
I had a bogan…er I mean fellow aussie pm me with some interesting ideas to raise money which have worked out really well. He put me in contact with J-Dub74 who is on very good terms with Simon.
Outcome - Simon from Convoy Electronics has generously donated a number of flashlights to this cause. 8) :partying_face:
J-Dub74 has helped a lot in orchestrating this including selecting the lights and I quote “These are all lights that I either own myself and love or lights that I really want to add to my collection.” Given the slow start to the raffle we agreed to auction these lights to try and aim for the best outcome for OL. I will pm the winners on how to collect there winnings. The lights will ship directly from Simon to the winners. The following links are non-affiliated so please use them and have a good look :nerd_face:
It may take me a little time to get the individual threads/auctions all up running but here is the list -
Auction #9 (direct from Convoy)
One grey or black Convoy S2+ with black detachable pocket clip and both 18650 and 18350 tubes. AR or standard glass (winner’s choice). Winner also chooses tint, power level and mode group.
Ended Monday 1st August 9:00pm UTC $40
Auction #10 (direct from Convoy)
One Convoy C8 with XPL-HI. AR or standard glass (winner’s choice). Winner also chooses tint, power level and mode group.
Ended Tuesday 2nd August 4:00pm UTC $30
Auction #11 (direct from Convoy)
One Convoy M2. Winner chooses tint, power level and mode group.
Ended Wednesday 3rd August 10:00am UTC $40
Auction #12 (direct from Convoy)
One black Convoy S2+ black UV 365nm led flashlight (Nichia 365UV LED) with the ZWB2 filter for 365nm light
Ended Thursday 4th August 5:00am UTC $50
Auction #13 (direct from Convoy)
One Convoy X3 (formerly XinTD X3) Winner chooses emitter tint. This light can run on 26650, 18650 or 3 AA with adapter.
Ended Thursday 4th August 11:00pm UTC $50
Auction #14 (direct from Convoy)
One Convoy L6 XHP70. Winner chooses tint (tint is subject to availability)
Ended Friday 5th August 5:00pm UTC $100
Please note- to make it easier for Simon to track how much this is costing him all shipments will go out at once. Therefore the items from auctions 9-13 will not ship until after auction 14 has ended.
Thank you Simon! Please visit Simon’s store when thinking of your next purchase.
Raffle #1
A couple of members suggested a raffle instead of auctions to get more people involved so I have started one Ended Friday 29th July as 12:01pm UTC Any questions or comments please keep it in this thread to keep the raffle threads clean for the draw.
Of course, contributions are still accepted either anonymously to me or straight to Justin . I’m sure he would appreciate a pm along with any contribution.
Money from raffle #1 - $96
Raffle #2
Light(s) provided by an anonymous member. Up for grabs is a BLF X5 choice of 1a or 3c tint. If a total of $100 is raised then the good member will provide the second X5 to a second winner picked from the same entries (first winner has choice of tint). This is good incentive for more tickets to be bought. As an added incentive to get more people to enter I will set the price to be $3 per ticket or $5 for 2. Ended Friday 25th August 00:01UTC
Money from raffle #2 - $145
Raffle #3
K40M in like new condition. According to the post office rules the batteries are included – 3500mAh LG MJ1 :partying_face: End time for this raffle shall be Thursday 29th September at 00:01am UTC
Money from raffle #3 - $205
Raffle #4 (USA only)
Jet-1 MK prize #1, Jet mu prize #2. End time for this raffle shall be Monday 24th October at 12:01pm UTC
Money from raffle #4 - $45
Raffle #5
Money from raffle #5 - $160
OK, lets get this under way. I have started the 6 threads. Each ending at different times of day to give everyone a chance at winning.
Auction #1 ended 5th July 22:00 UTC $55
Auction #2 ended 6th July 15:00 UTC $75
Auction #3 ended 7th July 08:00 UTC $100
Auction #4 ended 8th July 00:00 UTC $120
Auction #5 ended 9th July 18:00 UTC $100
Auction #6 ended 10th July 04:00 UTC $225
Auction #7 (by The Miller) ended 11th July 13.00 CEST $45
Auction #8 (by The Miller) ended 15th July 12.00 CEST $60
OL bundle raffle #2……….$110
OL bundle raffle……………$140
OL bundle auction…………$80
Knife auction #14……………$35
Knife auction #13……………$40
Knife auction #12……………$41
Knife auction #11……………$45
Knife auction #10……………$39
Knife auction #9…………….$44
Knife auction #8…………….$40
Knife auction #6…………….$47
Knife auction #5…………….$38
Knife auction #4…………….$50
Knife auction #3…………….$50
Knife auction #2…………….$64
Knife auction #1…………….$59
Round 3 auctions………….$200
Round 2 auctions………….$310
Raffle 1……………………….$96
Raffle 2………………………$145
Raffle 3………………………$205
Raffle 4……………………….$45
Raffle 5………………………$160
Round 1 auctions………….$780
Anonymous contributions…$190
Total tally - $3057 of which $3057 has been forwarded to Old-Lumens/Mrs Old-Lumens
For those who miss out on acquiring lights and still wish to add to the pool (or you’d just like to add) here’s my paypal - pinkpanda3310(at) It doesn’t have to be much, whatever you are comfortable with. Please make a note that it is for Justin and Valerie or Old-Lumens. Not that I’m likely to get it mixed up since money rarely goes in that direction on my account :zipper_mouth_face: Tally is just above for everyone to see.
Hello all. The good admin has permitted me to hold this auction, i guess since it’s for a good cause and not my own benefit. I’m offering these lights up for auction but the $ from all sales will go to Justin and Valerie (Old-Lumens).
If you haven’t read Justin’s blog please do -
If he was just a cranky ol’ bugger bout to drop off the perch then so be it. I don’t see it that way. Apart from being a model citizen with morals and values he’s a married man. To me that’s a partner in all your life experiences… including the end. Unfortunately the end has come sudden and with expense. Leaving Valerie in a not so good position. I feel for them, I really do. So this is as much for Valerie as it is for Justin. I realize this will only raise a meagre sum for them so I encourage others to play a part helping this couple out. I have Justin’s paypal but didn’t actually ask his permission to post it so if you’d like to contribute directly I suggest you pm him. Alternately if you’d like to remain anonymous you can pm me, although I’m sure there are others too, since I wouldn’t call myself the closest of friends with Justin. That doesn’t stop me from wanting to be his friend. His manner and attitude have attributes that I respect and would like to see myself like that one day. So this is kind of a thank you for all the wisdom and inspiration Justin has brought to both this forum and to myself.
Rules will be simple as possible. I have pm’d a few prominent members and think this system will be the best way to go about it. Below are a few pics of lights, 6 groups. I will start a thread for each as the ‘auction thread #’. So there will be six separate auctions, having individual threads will make it easier to track for everyone involved. Anyone can then place a bid as many times as you like in one (or all) of the auction threads. Each bid will be there for everyone to see. If someone thinks they can afford a little more they can post a bid higher than the last. For example-
In Thread # 4
Bob posts a $10 bid
Joe posts a $15 bid
Jane posts $17 bid
Bob posts a $20 bid (then Bob goes to the other threads and bids more)
As you can see, Bob can afford it.
I will set a cut off time for bidding to end in each thread. Last highest bid posted before the cut off time wins. Under no circumstances can you edit a post. Any edited posts will be disqualified. I will pm the winner and when payment is received will post out at my cost. When all moneys are paid I will make one lump some payment to Justin. He may (if he is up to it) post in this thread at the end of it all that he has received the $.
Please use this thread for questions about the lights and/or auctions. I’ll answer as best I can but one thing, please don’t ask me what tints the led’s are. I have a terrible memory of what actually went in the lights and judging by eye… well… beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So I’d like to stay away from trying to describe tints please. Deals will be final but if a winner is unhappy with their lights I will do my best to try and make things good if possible.