Okay, I’m terrible at keeping up with my todo list. I’m putting it out in public in hopes that more of it will get done, faster. Help is welcome but not expected; I’m putting it here more for my own accoutability.
I’m not sure if this is a good place for it or if perhaps I should track each of these as bugs on Launchpad. The bug tracker there is very nice, and works well as a task list.
- Figure out an easy way for people to build these projects in Windows. Template WinAVR project or something, I don’t know. Help would be very appreciated.
- Make periodic full-repository .zip releases, maybe, to make things easier for people who don’t have bzr?
- Pull in pd68’s tripledown code.
- Test LVP in tripledown.
- Pull in mk2’s code.
- Pull in guardior’s sharkdrv and possibly other code.
- Update alexvh’s code.
- Finish merging some of Tom E’s code (PM thread), which I started but never finished.
- Pull in chouster’s code.
- Pull in 3-channel version of blf-a6, and investigate pd68’s other two requests at the same link.
- Pull in CK’s code?
- Document Mike C’s awesome trick for putting multiple functions on a single pin.
- Check the license in each project and tag it in the project’s “meta” file.
- Test LVP in each project and tag working ones with “LVP” in the project’s “meta” file.
- Describe each project in more detail in the “meta” files, and copy the summaries into a project list in this thread.
- Add homepage / URL info to each project’s “meta” file.
- Investigate, measure, and document ultra-low-power sleep modes. (Crux’s posts here and here, ideas here and here and here)
- Investigate brownout detection behavior in more detail to determine its actual effects.
- Test how long the MCU can run after power is disconnected, in its absolute lowest-power mode.
- Document how to make firmwares work on zener-modded drivers.
- Document the exact components used on popular drivers.
- Check if _delay_5ms() is worth using.
- On super-fast strobes, try using digital pin state instead of PWM, for more fine-grained timing control. (60Hz strobe looks erratic)
- Check if TheStar has any updates.
- Make BLF-A6 (and tk-otc.c) easier to convert to single-channel.
- Make Bistro easier to convert to single-channel.
- Attempt to write a more robust code base for e-switch (and maybe dual-switch) drivers, using a state change table to define the interface.
- X6R-compatible firmware.
- Test the fancy lighted tailcap code and merge it into trunk after it’s verified.
- Make blf-a6 and bistro and related tools more zener-friendly. For example, voltage_blinks uses a 3.5-bit voltage value but needs to be 4.4 to allow voltages higher than 7.9V.
Pull in Tom E’s latest Narsil code.(done 2016-03-22)
Looking at this list, I’m thinking it might be best to actually track each as a separate bug on Launchpad. It’s a mess in the form of a simple list.