Low-cost copper pills, spacers, optics, drop-ins (Updated 23/10/2022))

S2+ and S21a spacers are available in EU.
You can get them directly from BLF member Chatika vas Paus:

The following parts are available in United States.
You can get them directly from BLF member containerfan:

Aluminum spacer for quad S11 - $10, 30g. in stock

Copper spacer for quad S11 - $15, 90g. in stock

Carclo 10621 24mm quad Narrow Spot Top Lens TIR (for S11, P60 quads) - $2 in stock

Custom thin driver retaining rings (fit Convoys and some other lights with 17mm driver, allows using drivers with components on both sides close to the edge) - $3 in stock

x6 spacer 10.6mm
only one piece

if you want to sell pm me please

I will take: 2x Copper pill for triple Convoy S2+/S3/EagleEye X2 = $26 USD total shipped with tracking.

Please PM me with your PP addie, thanks.

Edit - Monies sent.

money sent :slight_smile:

“3. Copper spacer for triple Convoy S2+/S3/EagleEye X2 will be available till end of march”
Is this for the new S3 that has an integrated shelf instead of a pill?

As I know pilled and pill-less convoys have same reflectors, so it should fit both variants. Dimentions are the same as spacers from mtn.

Cool. I’ll keep an eye out for them at the end of March.

Can you ship to the UK? After a copper pill for an X6 triple.

Payment sent for 1 x X6 copper spacer and shipping to UK. (10.6 spacer preferred, 8.6 if not).

BTW - I forgot to add my BLF username to my PayPal transaction. Apologies.

I will take

2x Copper pill for S2+

Interested. In a copper pill for the s2/s5 but I can’t order till later in week

Very nice prices! Is there a link to the ebay page?

Paypal sent!!

Can I have one Cu and one Al spacer for X6? 10.6mm if possible. Please PM me. Thanks!

Waiting for “Copper spacer for Carclo triple Convoy S2+*”.

:wink: great thing, kiriba

Anybody interested in stainless steel lanyard rings?

I don’t picture it, could you provide a sketch or a pic please ?

I have an S8 laying around so the copper pill seems very interesting.
How much is it with shipping to germany.

Guys, as I see you don`t have great interest in X5 quad pill/spacer. Maybe we shouldn`t make them?
This host has really tight head and making full height pill/spacer for quad requires less than 1mm wall thickness in one place, this is almost impossible.
Later I`ll add some drawings - simple spacer (low profile, without thread) should be better for my choise.

Hi, I’d like to buy
1 copper triple spacer for S2+
1 copper triple spacer for S2
1 copper triple spacer for X6
Please PM me!